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Cybermaze is a futuristic city littered with mind-boggling foot routes. Our player crashes their vehicle, blocking them into a alleyway. Being a visitor to the city, they must find their way through the labyrinthian interiors of the buildings.


  • Developed in 1 week's time half-time

  • Unreal Engine, Blender, Photoshop

  • Assets taken from IWALS by Jakub , Blockout Tools Plugin by Dmitry, and Modular Sci-Fi Village by A.R.M.S.


  • Cyberpunk 2077

  • Shadowrun 

  • COD MW2 - Favela Multiplayer Map


I wanted to go through some quick iterations for this week's level, especially since I knew that it was going to be part of a four-way city street section. Going off of that template, it became easier and easier to quickly iterate. I then started to incorporate perspective and isometric sketches to get a feel for the vertical space


The final design was completed in Photoshop working in tandem with the physical layout blocking in engine. After sketching in a 3D space, I found that actually laying out the areas really solidified the vision I had and going back to a sketch format to quickly iterate helped me double down on decisions.

Floor Plan_Week 7.png


This week I learned a new concept of level design that stemmed from designing around player movement: Allowances. When a player experiences a game, they are constantly searching for new paths to explore. However, most gamers and developers know that games need boundaries to help with performance or to properly facilitate the thematic vision of the level. Here's where the four levels of allowances come in: affordance, reward, risk, and denial.  Affordances are areas where the player has an opportunity to explore and usually are a stepping stone to one of the other three allowances. These are usually pre-cursor zones where players have relatively free movement stopped only by risk and denial zones. Risks are areas where the player must take a 'leap of faith' to uncover the next stage or a secret zone. Usually outlined by a hazard that the player must overcome and interspersed with denial zones. Denials are used to set boundaries for the player as well as providing a challenge in risk zone. Players usually avoid denial zones or can use them to pinpoint which parts of the risk zones are navigable to get to the final zone: the reward. Rewards zones are plain and simple: an goal area that the player must work to get to. If these areas are laid out correctly, the player will feel like they are learning the level

Affordances1_Week 7.png




This project was a little easier to pre-produce when I stuck to a four-way street crossing layout. The idea that I was developing a playable area in a familiar city zone gave me fast iteration capabilities. I did make the mistake of not properly defining denial zones in my layout though. I let time constraints catch up to me this week and some of the playable areas leak into territory that the player should not be able to access.


I was also too focused on how I wanted this layout to look architecturally rather than focusing on the fun. There are a few sections that feel empty, which means they lack play opportunities. Keeping players entertained is the main goal of a video game and is something that I  hope to accomplish in future assignments.


Lastly, I would have loved to have some interactive elements in the level. Triggerable event, unlockable routes, or even more opportunities to push movement boundaries.

(647) 289-4371

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©2022 by Shane Thompson.

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